Citizens Restoring Congamond is undertaking a project to document and preserve the vanishing history of Lake Congamond and Babb’s Park. Unfortunately as the years go by more and more lake memories and memorabilia disappear with their owners. CRC is striving to halt that exodus. The group will be holding a few “Remember When” nights this winter at a location to be determined. Participants will be asked to share their favorite stories and artifacts of lake life with the audience. It should turn out to be a very enjoyable evening for all involved. If not wanting to give a presentation themselves, CRC will be happy to assist with documenting their stories and prepare a show & tell for all to see and enjoy. If you have a story or relic related to Lake Congamond or Babb’s Park that you would like to share please contact Jerry at 860-668-5783. CRC will organize the information and schedule the story evenings.
On a broader note, as a fund raiser, CRC will gladly accept donations to be sold to dealers, or online on Craigslist or eBay. Small items that can be easily handled will be picked up by volunteers, sorted, valued and listed. Items such as collectables, older jewelry, electronics, records, books, vintage Hi-fi and stereo equipment, musical instruments and other “stuff” will gladly be accepted. The donor will receive, along with our thanks, a receipt for tax credit purposes.
Finally, CRC will be hosting a “Little Black Dress” “fun”draiser fashion show at the Cove Banquet Room, Point Grove Rd in Southwick on Sunday, October 9 from noon to 5 p.m. Local ladies will be modeling for all to enjoy. A luncheon will be served and a cash bar will be available. All clothing, made in the USA, will be available for purchase and a LBD gift certificate as well as other items will be raffled during the show. Tickets are $30. Without an admission, anyone is invited to the bar to watch the Patriots play the Browns starting at 1 p.m. For info call Janeene at 860-668-5783 or click