February 2025 Issue
Article Submissions must include the author’s name, address, telephone number and email address. If applicable, include the same information for the photographer. Please email to: inbox@thesuffieldobserver.com
Ad Submissions must include the contact person, business name, billing address, telephone number and email address. All ads must be submitted as high-resolution images in .pdf (preferred) or .tif format. Please send by email to: ads@thesuffieldobserver.com
For either articles or ads, if submitters are unable to use email, a flash drive and/or hard copy (articles only) may be submitted at the office on the lower level of the Suffield Village or may be mailed to our post office box. For articles, please save them in MS Word format. All submissions are the property of The Suffield Observer.
Op-Eds Email Deadline: January 15
Articles Email Deadline: January 15
Articles Hard copy/flash drive Deadline: January 10
Ads All Ads Deadline: January 10
Photos All Photos Deadline: January 15
Publish Date: February 1, 2025
Guidance for all submitted articles: All Observer submissions must conform to the following criteria:
- They must be:
- Reasonable and civil.
- Free of libelous or slanderous content.
- Timely and of interest to people who live here.
- Criticism must be directed at ideas, actions or decisions, not people.
- When writers don’t adhere to the criteria, The Observer will attempt to contact them if time allows. If writers do not agree to make necessary changes, The Observer reserves the right to reject the articles.
Articles attacking the actions of an individual or organization must be submitted by the 9th of the month to allow for the affected party’s rebuttal, or that party is allowed a rebuttal in the following issue. The choice is up to the affected party.
Letters to the Editor/OpEds: The Observer accepts letters/OpEds that are factual and of interest to the community. We strive to print a balance of all sides of an issue. Letters should not exceed 250 words. OpEds should not exceed 500 words. Only one letter /OpEd per writer is allowed every three months. We do not accept letters to the editor endorsing political candidates.
Business Articles: The Suffield Observer does not accept articles written by business owners that could be construed as self-serving. Advertising space is available for such purposes.
Political Ads: In the interest of being fair, we accept no political ads. At election time, we do print a Suffield Voters Guide with input from the local candidates.
Articles: We welcome content on community issues or topics that contribute to the benefit of the community. Contributions include poetry, community interest articles, short stories, personal profiles, etc. Regarding article length, please be guided by similar items in recent issues; typically, articles range from 100 to 600 words, depending on the subject. If you’re interested in becoming an Observer writer, please contact an editor at 860-668-7442.
Photographs: Good photos enhance articles, and sometimes a stand-alone photo with a good caption beats a short article. We welcome your contributions. Send photographs as attachments, not merely embedded in a Word document. For quality printing, send a good resolution of 300 pixels per inch or higher.
Suggestions: As a volunteer organization, we indeed welcome suggestions to improve the newspaper.