All voters, with or without disabilities, may vote privately and independently on Election Day. A new ballot marking system makes this possible. The system will be available for voters in Suffield on Election Day and it may be used by any voter who would like to use it. It simply marks the ballot for you, after you select the candidates you want to vote for on a tablet or key pad. Ballot choices are given visually or audibly.
There are several voting methods available for Suffield’s voters. 1) Absentee ballot voting for eligible voters: regular absentee balloting, supervised absentee balloting, emergency absentee balloting and permanently physically disabled absentee balloting. 2) Polling place voting options are: paper ballots completed by hand at a privacy booth while standing or sitting, then processed through a tabulator; paper ballots completed using the new ballot marking system; and curbside voting for those temporarily incapacitated who are allowed to complete their ballot in their car.
On Tuesday, November 1, the Registrars of Voters Office will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for voter registration. Applicants must appear in person. This is the cut-off date for both mail-in, online and in-person voter registration. Eligible voters may register to vote on Election Day at the Registrar’s office.
On Monday, November 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. there will be a Special Registration Session for the admission of any member of the armed forces desiring to be made an elector, or by any former member of the armed forces discharged therefrom within the calendar year. From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. the session will include those who become 18 years of age, a citizen or a resident of Suffield after the November 1 deadline. The session will be held in the Registrars of Voters Office in the Town Hall, lower level.