Photo by Adam Sharp
Adam Sharp and his son Trevor are pictured on a sunny November 27 during their Ironman ordeal in Cozumel, Mexico. Trevor, an Eagle Scout from Suffield’s Troop 260, at age 18 is now the youngest Ironman in the world.
On November 27, just 6 days after his 18th birthday, Trevor Sharp, a senior at Suffield High School, completed Ironman Cozumel. The grueling race consists of a 2.4-mile ocean swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride around the island and a marathon 26.2-mile run, raced in that order and without a break. He was the youngest competitor in the event, which makes him the youngest Ironman in the world (at least until the next sanctioned event!)
Trevor began his triathlon career at the age of nine when he and his dad, Adam Sharp, entered a sprint distance race. Since then he has done several different events of various distances. Trevor has always been a strong swimmer, earning a varsity letter each year of his high school career – and this season, he is one of the swim team captains.
To say that Trevor’s training was intense, is an understatement. He began a customized 50+ hour/week training plan in late spring, logging a couple of hours each day after school (i.e.: a 13 mile run, and a 1 hour swim) and 6-7 hours on Saturday and Sunday (i.e. 5 hours on the bike, and then a 2 hour run.) Getting up early day after day was a commitment and his life revolved around training, school and sleep. “I trained hard and was well prepared,” commented Trevor, “The day before the race I was edgy, and had to calm my nerves. But once the race started I got into the zone and felt strong throughout. I was ecstatic when we crossed the finish line!”
Completing an Ironman doesn’t happen without a great deal of work, preparation, and support. Trevor is grateful to his father, Adam for being his training partner and pushing him to new heights. He also credits his Scout leaders for teaching him a strong work ethic, Pat Keane, who let Trevor use his triathlon bike, and his mother Sarena for being his biggest fan.
Trevor’s favorite sport is lacrosse. He already made a verbal commitment to play lacrosse for Southern Virginia University after he completes a 2-year service mission for his church.
Many people’s first Ironman goal is simply to finish. Not only did Trevor complete the full race with his father by his side, but he also earned the distinction of the youngest competitor. Congratulations Trevor Sharp, the youngest Ironman in the world!