Spaulding Teachers Engage in Teacher-led Learning

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Spaulding School teacher Suzanne Wosko engages her colleagues in strategies that promote classroom community.

Photo by Scott P. Dunn

Spaulding School teacher Suzanne Wosko engages her colleagues in strategies that promote classroom community.

On several occasions this year, teachers at Spaulding School have engaged in teacher-led workshops.

During these unique professional development opportunities, best practice strategies that impact teacher growth and student outcomes were shared and developed.

During the most recent workshop held in early May, teachers and administrators collaborated to organize classes of interest. Teachers signed up to attend one of the following sixty-minute workshops during their collaborative time: Responsive Classroom, The Paperless Teacher, and The Reading Workshop Model. Previous teacher-led workshops included instruction in Live Binder, usage of tablet devices, and math instruction.

Teachers left these workshops with enthusiasm and strong ideas for how to impact student learning for all!

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