On Monday, September 4, FOFAH will host its annual Farm Fest. This is a free family-friendly event that will be held from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. at Hilltop Farm on Rte. 159 in Suffield.
New this year, enjoy the Fenoff family’s “petting farm”, featuring goats, chickens, a pig, and Fluffy Bun Bun! Enjoy watching a live chain saw carving demonstration.
Highlights include Julie Anne Collier’s “Wingmasters,” featuring raptors and birds of prey. Adam Harris from “Harris in Wonderland” will show reptiles and amphibians from around the world. Of course, the tractor parade is at noon. All tractors welcome!
Along with pony rides from AJ Stables, Mark O’Hara will again give a cider making demonstration. Cindy Stoecker will be available with good family books. EnFuse Fitness will organize the contests, including the famous skillet and hay bale tosses and the great tug of war event.
The Cow Chip Bingo winner will be determined during the afternoon with the gastronomical actions of a Hastings Farm cow. Good luck to all those who purchased chances.
For refreshments, there will be great food trucks. This is an event for the whole family.
The admission for Farm Fest 2017 is free, but a $5 donation per car is requested.
We look forward to sharing Hilltop Farm with the community at Farm Fest 2017.