Denise Rigby Teacher of the Year
Suffield Public Schools is proud to announce Denise Rigby as the District’s 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year. Denise has worked as a speech and language pathologist at A. Ward Spaulding Elementary School for the past 13 years. Her wealth of knowledge, experience, and dedication to her craft has helped her become a master teacher and model for the Suffield School district.
Denise exemplifies the best qualities a teacher can possess. She is committed to providing high quality meaningful instruction to students every day and firmly believes that it is her responsibility to ensure that every child she works with, learns. “I feel blessed to have the opportunity to use my interests in being creative to foster my strong drive to help students reach their full potential.”
Her calm demeanor provides a safe and reassuring environment where students are at ease and confident in their abilities. Denise’s students are successful because of the priority she places on building a close relationship with each individual child. She focuses on their interests and designs her lessons to highly engage her students.
Denise is well known within Spaulding School as a collaborative problem-solver. It is her goal to have all students, regardless of learning needs, participate within their classroom through modifications she implements collaboratively with teachers. “I realize that the most impact I can have on the education and social/emotional well-being of any given child, depends on my consistent positive interactions with students, and collaborative efforts with teachers, staff and families.” Denise is a role model for service providers across the district and keeps the special education team going strong.
Denise Rigby will be recognized by the Suffield Board of Education at its September 5 meeting and by colleagues across Connecticut on November 15 at a statewide recognition ceremony at the Bushnell.
Morgan O’Malley was chosen by the Suffield Public Schools to receive the Anne Marie Murphy Paraeducator Award, which honors excellence in paraeducators who support student achievement. The award is named in honor of Anne Marie Murphy, a paraeducator who lost her life in the Sandy Hook tragedy. Morgan exhibits and exceeds all the qualities expected of her in the role of paraeducator. She works tirelessly for the student she is assigned by collaborating with teachers in planning, implementing, and adjusting curriculum to ensure her student’s success. She takes an active role in getting to know and support students. Her passion for what she does is evident in her daily duties as well as the additional roles she fills such as job coach and co-advisor to the Best Buddies Club. Morgan has a passion for her work and for the students with whom she works. It’s no wonder why Morgan is loved and respected by all, students and staff alike.
Morgan O’Malley will be recognized by the Board of Education at its September 5th meeting and at a statewide ceremony on October 26.