Things really quiet down right after Labor Day here on Congamond. And as I write this in mid-September we here at CRC finally have time to write a recap of our summer.
In April, the lake received its yearly invasive weed treatment. Eight acres were treated for eurasian-water milfoil and several other invasive species. This treatment is necessary every year to prevent the many invasive weeds out there from spreading and choking the lake.
Starting in April, with the help of local bluegrass promoter Todd Michael, we had a moderately successful bluegrass concert series. Starting at The Cove Banquet Facility and then moving to Babbs Park, we hosted a nice mix of touring bluegrass bands. Most of the time the weather cooperated and we and the bands were happy with the overall turnout. The concert series culminated with a full blown bluegrass festival featuring eight bands, food trucks, a kids bounce house and other fun diversions at Hilltop Farm. CRC wishes to thank the folks at FOFAH for welcoming Todd and the festival to their lovely grounds. The weather was perfect and the crowds enjoyed the day. Plans are already in the works for next year.
Our annual Fourth of July decorated boat parade, always held on the Saturday nearest the fourth, was met with a day that started out with showers but turned fine as the afternoon progressed. The weather did have an effect on turnout but the boats and boaters that did participate had a fine time
On Saturday, September 16, CRC held a donation day for the folks affected by the massive flood in Houston. Several hundred pounds of donations were hauled over to Savers for which they paid us approximately $300. Everybody wins at these events. People get to clear out and donate some of their unwanted items, receive a tax credit from CRC, and CRC sells them to Savers. All funds received were donated to the flood relief.
CRC’s final meeting of the year will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10, at Crabby Joe’s restaurant. Our speaker will be Eric Muller. Eric heads up the lake treatment and monitoring program for the Town of Southwick. He will be giving a report on the current health of the lake. If you’ve ever been interested in learning about Congamond and might be interested in getting involved, please plan on stopping in on the meeting. All are always welcome.
Citizens Restoring Congamond is a duly recognized 501(c)3 non–profit volunteer organization whose mission is the protection and betterment of the Congamond Lakes. We can be reached at