On Thursday, November 9, the Suffield Regional Agriscience Program will be hosting their eighth grade open house from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Suffield High School. This is an opportunity for any students who are interested in applying for the agriscience program to come to Suffield High School and tour the agriscience department, meet current students and hear more about what the program has to offer.
The Suffield Agriscience Program serves students from Suffield, East Granby, Enfield, Granby, Avon, Simsbury, Windsor Locks, Hartland, East Windsor and Canton. The agriscience program offers students the opportunity to study a wide array of areas such as plant science, animal science, agricultural mechanics, natural resources, aquaculture, food science and agribusiness. Students also have the opportunity to be a member of the National FFA Organization, one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, which allows students to gain leadership skills and compete in various state and national competitions.
Students that are currently in eighth grade and are interested in the program must submit an application by January 12 which is available online through the Suffield High School website under Suffield Agriscience section. For additional information, please call the agriscience office at 860-668-3817.