Would you like Santa to visit your home this December? The Friends of Suffield can make that happen. A holiday tradition, we will once again escort Santa on visits to homes in town where children are on “the nice list.”
Santa and his elf will visit homes for 15 minutes of merry-making and caroling. (Have your camera ready!)
The North Pole has confirmed that Santa will be visiting Suffield the weekend of December 8-10. To request a visit (no more than 10 kids per household please), just fill out the form that will be posted on our website (www.FriendsofSuffield.org) from November 25 – December 2. Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis!
Donations to the Friends of Suffield are appreciated. As a non-profit organization, we give all contributions collected (idea: card for Santa) back to the community in the form of grants.