Suffield Developmental Preschool Seeks Peer Models

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Screenings for 3 & 4 year old peer models will take place Friday, January 12, 2018 and Friday, January 19, 2018. (Inclement Weather/Snow Date: Friday, January 26, 2018)

The Suffield Developmental Preschool provides a theme and skill based curriculum guided by BEST Practices as outlined by the State of Connecticut Preschool Framework.

Our goals are to promote early literacy skills, develop each child as an individual, encourage growth toward self-reliance and healthy independence, develop positive feelings of self-worth and inner strength. Learn to interact with others by respecting their rights and feelings, learn to solve problems and resolve conflicts by expressing feelings in an appropriate manner and grow toward physical, emotional, social and intellectual maturity.

We provide a caring, supportive and fun filled environment coupled with the use of developmentally appropriate learning activities designed to reach our goals for each student.

Certified Program Staff:  Special Education Teachers,  Occupational Therapist,  Speech/Language Pathologist, Physical Therapist.

Please call Spaulding School at 860-668-3352 to schedule an appointment.

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