Bald Eagle Golf Outing

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Make plans now to join The Friends of the Farm at Hilltop for our fifth annual Bald Eagle Golf Outing on Sunday, June 24.

The event, to be held at the Suffield Country Club, is a major fundraiser for FOFAH. Proceeds will be used to pay for structural improvements to make it possible for the historic dairy barn to be open and accessible for public events.

Registration and lunch for the 18-hole scramble format golf outing will begin at 11:30 followed by a 1:00 shotgun start. Golf will be followed by a reception and dinner at the Country Club’s Sunset Tavern around 6 p.m.

For a $200 donation, each player will receive lunch, golf, reception, and dinner. There are also Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorship levels available. Non-golfers who are interested in coming only for the reception and dinner are also welcome. Tickets to that portion of the event will be $50 each.

Come join us for a fun afternoon of golf while supporting a great, local cause. Check our website at for more details, or e-mail for a reservation. Golfers who register before June 1 will receive a free mulligan!

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