The State mandated Revaluation of all real estate is in full swing. The Town has partnered with Vision Government Solutions (Vision) for this project. A revaluation is undertaken every five years to secure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden and to bring the assessment level up to date. State Statutes also require that properties are fully inspected once in every ten assessment years. In many situations, a completed data mailer signed by the owner can count as an inspection. We are happy to report that 68% of the data mailers sent out last fall were returned. Thank you for your cooperation. In an effort to reduce the number of additional inspections that need be performed, we are in the process of sending out a second data mailer to those who didn’t initially respond. If you receive this second mailer, we ask that you review the information, update it as necessary, sign and return it promptly. There still may be a need to inspect your property if there are significant data discrepancies, or your property sold recently or if there are open building permits. If no one is home when the inspector visits, they will measure the exterior of your buildings and a letter will be sent to you to set up an appointment to review the interior at a more convenient time. Vision will also be driving around town to do a field review of every property to assess its current condition and to verify that the data has been collected accurately.
Data collection and analysis will continue through the fall. Using recent sales, the mass appraisal tables (which are based on house style, age, condition and neighborhood) will be adjusted as needed. Land values will also be analyzed. The result of the project will yield fair and equitable property values effective October 1, 2018. In November, you will receive a notification of your value change and can schedule an informal hearing to discuss your property value. If you are not satisfied with the hearing results, you may appeal your value to the Board of Assessment Appeals in March 2019.
If you have any questions regarding the Revaluation project, feel free to contact the Assessor’s Office at 860-668-3866.