The Amazing History of Pratt & Whitney

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Over the years, Pratt & Whitney has patented hundreds of innovations, from heat-resistant coatings to aero-dynamic blades – technologies that make air travel more cost effective, comfortable and dependable. Today Pratt and Whitney engines provide power for everything from land based power stations, business jets and helicopters to large commercial aircraft, fifth generation fighters, and manned and unmanned space vehicles.

Mark P. Sullivan, former communications director for Pratt & Whitney, provides insight into one of the most iconic names in aviation. Pratt & Whitney rising from humble beginnings in a former cigar warehouse to become one of the most recognized symbols wherever people fly.

The program will be held at the New England Air Museum on Sunday, May 20 at 1 p.m. in the museum’s conference room.

Cost: $20 to non-members that includes admission to the museum. Members are free. Reservations are strongly encouraged. Visit for online reservations or call 860-623-3305 for additional information. The 2018 Speaker Series is presented by Conn. Humanities.

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