Teen staff are busy generating new ideas and programs after attending the Connecticut Library Conference last month. Can anyone say “Escape Room!”
Last month we hosted a Teen Prom Dance program held at the senior center with Christine from Ballroom Fever in Enfield and made Bath Fizzies with our moms during the May Science Saturday.
Teen Tech Fair
Join us Saturday, June 2 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for the KML Teen Tech Fair. Roller coasters, racing robots, 3D maker pens and electrical experiments that will shock you. Spread the word! Please register at suffield-library.org. Lunch provided. Grades entering 6-12. As always, it’s free! Sponsored by the Friends of Kent Memorial Library.
High School Finals De-Stress Table
Look for us, again, during exam week for ways to address the high stress event as well as grab a few treats to help you do your best.
Summer Reading Program
Don’t forget to register at the library for the Teen Summer Reading Program. You gotta read anyway, why not get your books at the library and grab raffle tickets for all sorts of prizes. The Summer Reading brochure lists all the upcoming teen events, so take a look! Sponsored by the Friends of Kent Memorial Library.
Summer Activities for Teens
We’re working on offering a variety of FREE teen summer camps at KML (entering grades 6-12) Check the library website for specific times and dates and to register.
Stop Action Animation Movie Making
With Mason Beiter (July 17-19) – learn how to create a short film under the guidance of a local Eastern Connecticut State University student.
Making a Zine
Artists and Writers – Join us as we design and publish a black and white Zine. Theme to be decided on first day. (August 14,15,16)
Summer Computer Science Coding Program
With Holyoke Codes. (July 31)