Suffield on the Green was a huge success! Thank you to all who came to visit our Suffield Local Prevention Council (SLPC) booth! SLPC decided to change our booth up a bit this year to make it more interactive and the results were fantastic. We implemented a Prevention and Awareness wheel where individuals would spin the wheel, be asked a question, and receive a prize. The wheel allowed for some great conversations about topics such as substance abuse prevention, suicide, addiction and mental health. Although these are heavy and difficult topics, feedback from the crowd was positive as Suffield residents see the importance of shedding light on these issues. The booth also offered handout information on these topics as well as vaping, alcohol and marijuana. The topics were chosen based on the results of the Youth Assessment Survey completed in 2017 by Suffield students grades seventh through twelfth. If you are interested in learning more about any of these topics or would like to obtain information on them, Suffield Youth Services has plenty of information available to residents!
The Suffield Local Prevention Council also partnered with the Police Department and their Cadet program to utilize Youth Service’s Fatal Vision Goggles. While wearing the Fatal Vision Goggles, individuals are given the chance to complete a field sobriety test. The goggles have five different levels of impairment based on one’s blood alcohol content (BAC). The cadets did a phenomenal job of explaining the purpose of the goggles and informing both youth and adults on the dangers of drinking and driving. SLPC often uses these goggles at community events to spread awareness on how drinking alcohol can alter an individual’s balance, vision and judgement.
SLPC is always looking for new members to join our group. Stigma plays a large role in individuals getting assistance for their substance abuse or mental health problems. SLPC believes on spreading awareness about these topics and implementing early prevention methods to assist those who are struggling in our community. Please considering joining our important group. We meet the second Thursday of the month, at 7 p.m. in the Senior Center. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Chairman Nikki Lengyel by email at or by phone at 860-668-3329.