Suffield Community Aid

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Photo by Janet Frechette

SCA Board Members Alan Fahrenholz, Jasper Morgan and Gordon Stagg helped load cars with gifts and food as part of the 2018 Holiday Basket distribution at Father Ted Hall.

Photo by Beth Sheridan

Erin, Nicole and Abby are pictured with the Salvation Army kettle and Rotary members Don Miner and Ralph Fletcher.

What’s happening at SCA this Month?

Dementia Care Giver Support Group:

Build a support system and meet with others who understand. The group meets the last Tuesday of each month at 450 South Street, Suffield at 11 a.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, January 29. You do not need to be a resident of Suffield to attend. The group is led by a trained Alzheimer’s Association facilitator. Call SCA at 860-668-1986 for more info.

Stay Warm This Winter! We Are Taking Applications for the CT Energy Assistance Program:

These government programs are designed to help offset the winter heating costs for financially eligible households so that their health is not jeopardized by the inability to afford critical heat. Please contact SCA to schedule an appointment at 860-668-1986. More information on eligibility is available at

Operation Fuel Can Provide a One-time Grant of up to $500 to Assist Eligible Families With Their Energy Bills:

Operation Fuel partners with more than 100 agencies across the state to provide low-income families with year-round emergency energy assistance. SCA is a partner agency to Operation Fuel. Assistance can be provided with any energy type – oil, electric, natural gas, kerosene, wood, propane, pellets, and other energy sources. Call SCA or go to for more info.

Some Ongoing Programs and Updates:

The Community Brought Holiday Cheer to 266 Suffield Residents:

SCA extends our sincere thanks to the many individuals, families, organizations, churches, businesses and Town Departments that helped to make the 2018 Holiday Basket Program such a great success. Ninety-three Suffield households, comprised of 266 men, women and children, had a more enjoyable holiday season because of the generosity of others!

Salvation Army Kettle Drive Sets a New Record!

A total of $3,700.09 was raised (nearly $1,200 more than last year!!!)–with 90% ($3,330) retained for Suffield residents in need. We extend a big thanks to Suffield Rotary, SHS Giraffe and Interact Clubs, and the many individual and family “ringers” who helped make this campaign such a success!

Confused about your Medicare options? Perhaps you’re turning 65 soon…

Medicare is complicated! Have questions? Want to see if you can save some money? Trained volunteers are available to provide unbiased assistance on Wednesdays at Suffield Community Aid, located at 450 South Street in Suffield. Call SCA at 860-668-1986 to schedule an appointment. Other appointments are available by calling the Suffield Senior Center at 860-668-8830.

Is Meals-on-Wheels an Option for You?

Qualified homebound seniors, age 60 and over, living in Suffield can receive healthy lunches and dinners delivered to their door. Meals are balanced, nutritious and diet specific. A $2.50 donation per meal is suggested by the Community Renewal Team to help cover costs. However, no one is denied a meal if unable to pay. Contact SCA at 860-668-1986.

Check Out Your Blood Pressure:

SCA sponsors free blood pressure clinics for residents of all ages at the Suffield Senior Center on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m. – 12p.m. No appointments needed! 

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