Almost 225 years to the day, Composite Lodge #28 celebrated its Masonic Heritage. On May 15, 1794 Morning Star Lodge # 28 received its first Charter from the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut. On Saturday, May 18, Composite Lodge held a rededication ceremony at 150 Bridge Street.
Participating in the rededication ceremony were Brother Melvin E. Johnson, the current Grand Master of the State of Connecticut A.F. & A.M, John Kissel, State Senator of the 7th Senatorial District and Michael Ludwick, Mayor of Enfield.
At the luncheon, 50 and 60-year membership ceremonies followed proclamations along with the Rededication of the Lodge’s Cornerstone.
The Lodge’s Museum will be open for public view. For further information please contact John LeDoux ( Master of Composite #28 .