National Cookie Day
December 3
“Friend something better than chocolate ice cream…maybe friend somebody you give up last cookie for.”
– Cookie Monster
Human Rights Day
December 10
“Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the center of the universe.”
– Elie Wiesel
“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development, an essential complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics and factories. Literacy is a platform for democratization, and a vehicle for the promotion of cultural and national identity. Especially for girls and women, it is an agent of family health and nutrition. For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right…. Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.”
– Kofi Annan
Beethoven’s Birthday
December 16, 1770
“Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes.”
– Ludwig van Beethoven
Games Day – December 20
“We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”
– Benjamin Franklin
“If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes and the quitting time.”
– Anonymous
Hanukkah begins
December 22
“A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another, and see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its flame to the other. You are such a light.”
– Moshe Davis
Christmas – December 25
“Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.”
– Janice Maeditere
New Year’s Eve
December 31
“We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential.”
– Ellen Goodman
“Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.”
– Bill Vaughn
J.R.R. Tolkien is born
January 3, 1892
“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien,
The Fellowship of the Ring
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien,
The Lord of the Rings
First Super Bowl
January 15, 1967
“It’s ridiculous for a country to get all worked up about a game—except the Super Bowl, of course. Now that’s important.
– Andy Rooney
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – January 20
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
– MLK, Jr.