Get ready for a fun winter! It is time to register for winter programs offered by the Parks and Recreation Department.
The winter is the perfect time to take a new class or start a new hobby. There is no excuse to sit and stay inside on all your electronic devices when there are so many enjoyable activities to attend in the community. We have a variety of new fitness classes, enrichment and community-based programs for your whole family to enjoy including: Games, Crafts and Pizza Party, Cheerleading, Winter Fun Fitness Challenge, Introduction to Horseback Riding for Children, Agility and Speed Training, So Cool Snowman with Cocoa and Cookies, Where The Wild Things ART-ventures for Kids, Very Cool Valentine’s Crafting Party, Pre-Schoolers and Parents-Get Fit With Me! Bowling Buddies JR., Cake Decorating for Beginners, Cupcake Decorating Made Easy, Adult Recreational Volleyball, Get Your Body Back Fitness Program, Kickboxing Re-Charge, Lunchtime Yoga and Mindfulness, Cardio and Core Classes, Cross-Fit programs, Family and Friends Bowling Nights, Winter Walkers/Runners and Snowshoers, Bowling Buddies and Outing Group with a variety of fun trips including Fellowship/Dinner nights and a trip to Bright Nights, to name a few.
Are you looking for the perfect holiday gift? Treat your family to the best presents of all. Give them the gift of fun, good health and lasting memories that they will make right here in town. We hope to see you and your family at an upcoming program soon. For more information and to purchase classes/programs for the holidays, please visit
Are you looking to get in shape this winter and keep your fitness resolutions this year? Let’s embrace winter and enjoy the brisk weather, get motivated and go on a lunchtime walk/jog or snowshoe session, depending on the weather. We will go over warming up, fitness walking/snowshoeing and have a fun time getting you re-energized for the rest of the day. The program will run in various weather conditions, so please bring proper winter gear. Even if you can only walk for a half hour, you are encouraged to join the group. Prizes will be awarded to the most dedicated walkers. The program is instructed by Donna Carney-Bastrzycki, Director of Special Programs and meets on Tuesdays-January 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at the Middle School track (if there is too much snow/ice on the track we will walk behind McAlister and the Middle School) The program is for all ages, levels and abilities and is free.
Are you interested in a rewarding job this summer? Now is the time to start planning.
It is never too early to start planning for your summer job opportunities at camp. We are seeking Summer Camp staff including: Certified Lifeguards, Camp Directors, Counselors and Junior Counselors (Counselors must be at least 16 and Junior Counselors must be at least 14 year old). Final application deadline: Thursday, March 26, 2020. Applications can be found on the website or stop by the office at 97 Mountain Road. Please apply early.