First Church News

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Due to Covid-19 all in-church events and gatherings, including worship, have been suspended for the summer. We will be continuing worship online throughout the summer months.  

Our Online Worship services include a written online-worship bulletin and links to videos, readings and music on our YouTube page. Anyone who is interested in worshiping At-Home with us is encouraged to join! Our At-Home worship services are created in a way that allows you freedom to worship with us at your own pace and on your schedule. You do not have to tune into worship at 10 a.m. and can utilize our service at any time after the links are sent. Emails with links and links through our website are available at 10:00am each Sunday.

Our newsletter, the Weekly Witness, keeps our friends and congregation informed of our missions, giving, community interaction, online faith gatherings, prayer groups, At-Home worship, and much more! 

To sign up for our newsletter emails and our At-Home worship emails, you can contact the church office at with a request, or you  can go to our Website homepage, scroll down to “Subscribe” and add your information. Our worship services are also available under our Announcements section on the top left of our homepage, no subscription needed.

If you have further questions, you can call the church office at 668-7223 and leave a message. Our staff and Reverend are ready to assist you or provide information as needed.

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