Now, more than ever, we need nature. Spending time outdoors can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and increases positive feelings.
For many, nature is already a part of our daily lives. Others are using this time of “social distancing” to discover new outdoor places. Hilltop Farm is seeing an increase in visitors each day. That is wonderful and we welcome you.
Through donations and volunteers’ efforts, FOFAH has created a place for everyone to enjoy. We ask that you respect the farming and gardening programs that are on-going on at Hilltop. If you need help, please contact us.
Your thoughtful actions on the trails have allowed FOFAH to keep the trails open (under current local, state and federal guidelines). For everyone’s pleasure and safety, Please abide by the guidelines and rules posted in the kiosk at the South Entrance Driveway.
Please Understand -Entry in the Eagle Nesting Area is Prohibited Feb 1-July 15. Ordered by the CT DEEP. However, you are able to view the nest through the binoculars mounted on the wetland walkway.
Enjoy your time at Hilltop Farm!
Events at Hilltop Farm
The Current Listing of our Events for 2020

Monster Tag Sale – CANCELLED
FOFAH will reschedule -Spring 2021

Bald Eagle Golf Tournament –
June 20
Golf Tournament at Suffield Country Club
Come join us for a fun afternoon of golf while supporting a great, local environmental cause. Lunch at Noon, Shotgun Start at 1. For more Information, click on or leave us a message at 860.758.0668.

Antique Motorcycle/Hendee Day – July 25
Indian Motorcycle Ride-In expected 3-6PM.

FarmFest 2020 – September 7
FOFAH’s Annual Celebration of the Farm!
Octoberfest Barn Dance
Friday, October 9
Food & Beverage Trucks, too!
Be Part of Suffield’s 350 Anniversary!
You could be part of the fun by being a Volunteer or Sponsor for any of these events. More details on these events will be on our website or call 860-758-0668.
Hilltop Farm News
Recent Grants Awarded
~~ The William G. Pomeroy Foundation awarded FOFAH a grant to install a sign to identify that the Hilltop Farmstead is on the National Register of Historic places. You will see this sign soon at entrance!

~~ FOFAH is close to being awarded a grant from the CT Historic Restoration Fund to help fund the installation of a fire suppression system in the Big White Barn. This will bring the organization closer to opening the Barn to the public for events!
~~ FOFAH is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a 2020 Hartford Audubon Society Mini-Grant to “awaken a wider public interest in the preservation and protection of avian wildlife and their habitat”. New plantings will be installed near the Wetlands Bridge in the Hilltop Farm Open Space. Naturalist and Board Member, Bobbie Rogers made application and is overseeing the planting of these bird attracting plants.
Bird Watching & The Eagles Because of a generous donation from the 2019 Amiel P. Zak Public Service Fund, FOFAH was able to install a “National Park Viewing Scope” (binoculars) on the Wetlands Bridge in the Hilltop Farm Open Space. When you walk over the wetlands, now you can enjoy these heavy-duty binoculars to see the wildlife.
Also- It appears that there is a new eaglet at Hilltop! The adults have been nesting since February. The new baby is called an eaglet until it tries to fly, then it is a fledgling! Please help FOFAH, in collaboration with the CT DEEP, to protect the nesting American Bald Eagles by keeping out of the nesting areas until after July 15.
Partnerships and Beekeepers FOFAH has developed partnerships with two local apiaries to promote and assist in the helping our pollinators. Local Beekeepers Club, Hampden County Beekeepers Association has installed several hives in the Fruit Orchard area and will be offering several educational programs through the year. Jones’ Family Apiary also keeps several hives at Hilltop. Honey from Hilltop is available for sale at the end of the season.
FOFAH is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to restoring Hilltop Farm into an educational and recreational resource for the community. All donations go to the improvement of the farm. Many thanks to the volunteers for their dedication and community support that has allowed FOFAH to advance the restoration of the Hilltop Farmstead.