Once again, the pandemic precludes production of a printed edition for June 1. But we are making plans, and hope to resume printing, beginning with July and August editions. For the safety of our volunteers we will professional clean our office regularly and stagger the time the volunteer staff performs their tasks, so appropriate spacing can occur even within the confines of a relatively small office. These obviously are minor inconveniences, which pale in comparison to the efforts of so many others. However, they are necessary for everyone’s safety as we try to return the newsprint as well an online editions. Please send submissions, including articles, Letters to the Editors, editorials, and pictures to inbox@thesuffieldobserver.com by June 15 so they can be considered for publication this summer.
Once again, in recognition that many of our advertisers may be going through a tough time, and we have again decided that, the June online edition will contain advertisements from all our customary advertisers, whether they traditionally advertised online as well in the print edition, with no advertising charge. Since our office is closed, if you need/want to communicate with us about your ad, please email Ads@TheSuffieldObserver.com. Thank you.
The staff of The Suffield Observer