Community is important. If it were not for my community of staff within the Library, I may not have taken the plunge into the pool of candidates for Library Director. When we receive support from our community, we feel emboldened and empowered to take on whatever comes our way.
The Library provides a place for many communities: our teenagers who walk over from school, parents who bring their children in for Rhyme Time with Miss Wendy, and our crowd of movie-goers every week! (We have missed all of you!) We want to continue to support our communities just as our town community supports us.
Maybe you want to escape the chaos of our world and read some fantasy novels. Maybe you strive to learn more about mindfulness, meditation, and decluttering the home where you spend so much more of your time. Maybe you need to have a conversation with your child about why Black Lives Matter, and who threw the first rock at Stonewall, and why the polar bear – their all-time favorite animal — may no longer have a home because it’s melting away. Remember that the library can help you.
You don’t need to Google “books explaining death to child” because the library already knows which books are best to explain it: if a grandparent, or a friend, or a dearly beloved pet was the one to pass, and which would be appropriate for a four year-old vs a 14-year-old, and which books will resonate more because when they look at the pictures they see themselves in its pages. We are a community resource, and sometimes it’s easy to forget that there is a whole group of people who are dedicated to steer you in the right direction when you don’t know where to go, and to help you navigate whatever you may find along your path.
Until we reopen our building, please continue to reach out to us by phone – 860-668-3896, email – ref@suffield-library.org, and through social media on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. For up to date information, please visit our website at suffield-library.org