The 2020 Dog license for renewal will be available now. Residents are encouraged to renew licenses online to support no contact/social distance requirements. The online registration system will accept Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Credit card fees will apply on all transactions.
Dog licenses with a current rabies certificate on file may be renewed online. Once the transaction is completed a tag will be mailed to you. Dogs that require an updated rabies certificate can be mailed in with payment or request your vet to fax in the certificate to 860-668-3312. New dogs can be registered by mail with the required documents submitted at the time of payment.
Connecticut state law requires all dogs six months of age or older must be licensed in the town of residency. Proof of current rabies vaccination and spay or neutering, if applicable, must be provided at the time of the application. Rabies tags alone are not an accepted proof of vaccination. The Governor has issued an executive order extending the registration period for dog licenses to August 1 without penalty. After August 1, 2020, by law there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per month for each month the dog is not licensed.
The yearly dog registration period set by State mandate runs from June 1 – May 31.
All fees are set by Connecticut State Statute and are as follows: dogs who are spayed or neutered $8.00; dogs who are not spayed or neutered $19.
Renewal reminders have been mailed in late May for currently licensed dogs. A drop box is located at the temporary Town Hall for renewals via check but US Mail is preferred if not online. Dog licenses will not be processed the same day if dropped off.
Updated rabies certificates are always welcome to keep your dog’s certification current.
We continue to honor the tradition of recognizing those service dogs who reside in Suffield by graciously awarding them one of the first ten tags.
If you have any questions, please call The Town Clerk’s Office at 860-668-3880.