Due to COVID-19 voters were requested to practice social distancing, wear face masks and sanitize their hands at the polls to help ensure the safety of others. Every voter entering the polls respected the first two requests and most the third. Between the considerate voters and the poll-workers with their alcohol wipes the polling place was kept as sanitized as we could.
It was difficult to find people to work the polls due to the fear of the contagion. Fortunately, there were enough who came forward to do the job. Even three high school students donated their time to help at the polls.
On Tuesday, August 11, out of 4,944 eligible Suffield voters only 1,298 elector’s votes were cast. More voters chose to vote by absentee ballot than in person. It was a slow day at the polls where only 503 electors appeared in person to cast their votes. There were 795 absentee ballots counted.
The polling place was set up differently to help avoid cross contamination. Voters enter by the front gym door and the voting process took them straight back to the rear of the gym where they inserted their ballots into the tabulator and exited the polls. Other arrangements were made for people with special needs.
Suffield Primary Results
Democratic Presidential Preference Primary
773 – Joe Biden
100 – Bernie Sanders
6 – Tulsi Gabbard
21 – Uncommitted
Republican President Preference Primary
403 – Donald J. Trump
20 – Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente
80 – Uncommitted
Representative in Congress 2nd District
210 – Thomas Gilmer
209 – Justin Anderson