Getting Old is Not for Sissies

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This morning I was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting to have my blood drawn. I was mentally making a list of things to ask the doctor about when I thought “This is boring; why don’t you put it in verse.” So I did:

Linda’s Lament

Dry mouth at night

Disturbing my sleep;

Leaves me real tired

And ready to weep.

Achy old joints

Are far from the best;

They make rising to walk

An intolerable test.

My uncertain legs

Are shaky and sore.

Sneeze at me now

And I’ll fall on the floor.

Morbid obesity,

Newly acquired,

Makes everything worse,

With starvation required.

Hair falling out

And dry itchy skin,

My personal appearance

Is not what it’s been.

I’m living old age

Not getting around,

But bless me, I’m struggling,

And still above ground. 

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