Ask not what your town can do for you but what you can do for your town.
Town elections will be held on November 2, 2021 but the process of finding candidates is beginning now. Have you thought about serving on a town board or commission? If you worry you don’t have the time, that the politics will be difficult, or you aren’t qualified . . . you have it all wrong. Your time would be much appreciated, board members across all political affiliations truly work together in the best interest of the town and as a town resident with positive intentions you are qualified.
The slate of candidates is typically endorsed by each party in July. A candidate can also petition to have their name placed on the ballot. Unaffiliated voters can be endorsed by the Democratic or Republican Town Committees. All interested residents are encouraged to consider this opportunity and send a brief bio/resume to the chairperson of either the Democratic Town Committee: Tom Frenaye, or the Republican Town Committee: Brendan Malone, Visit the CT Secretary of State website for additional information.
Candidates are sought for the following boards: Assessment Appeals, Education, Finance, First Selectman, Selectmen, Fire, Planning and Zoning, Police, Water Pollution Control and regional Probate Judge.