Troop 66 has done several exciting events over the past few months. Usually, troops from all over Connecticut get together to have a big competition called the Klondike Derby. This year the competition was cancelled due to COVID-19. So instead, our troop made our own Klondike. During our Klondike we had groups of scouts, called patrols, competing against each other. We also had some Cub Scouts participate in this event. In March, we hiked up to the Heublein Tower in Simsbury and later camped at Sunrise Park. Both of these events were done outside with masks and social distancing.
Recently, Troop 66 was cleared to go back to in-person meetings and events. We have many in-person events and campouts planned for the future such as a troop bike ride and a troop swim. The troop is looking forward to welcoming Webelos crossing over into Boy Scouts from Cub Scout Pack 266. We are all very excited to be hosting these events and being back in-person.