SCAMS Series (Seniors, Children, Adults Maintaining Safety) – Beware and Be Informed! See our SCAMS kick-off series with Robin Saunders, Ph.D. (Please Refer to flyer on page 27 outlining all the events.)
Are You in Need of a Little Holiday Cheer? Apply for the SCA’s Holiday Basket Program: The SCA is coordinating the Thanksgiving and Holiday Basket Program for financially qualified Suffield residents. Residents wishing to receive help for the holidays are encouraged to call SCA at 860-668-1986.
Stay Warm This Winter! We have started taking applications for the CT Energy Assistance Program:
These government programs help offset the winter heating costs for financially eligible households. Please contact SCA to apply at 860-668-1986. More information on eligibility is available at
People & Pet Food Drive at the Polls to benefit the SCA Food Pantry: SCA volunteers will hold a benefit drive at the election polls (Suffield Middle School) on Tuesday, November 2 from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. We are especially in need of paper towels, toilet paper, canned pasta, spaghetti sauce, lunch box snacks, and cleaning supplies. Cash and grocery store gift cards are also welcome donations at this time of year.
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group at the Suffield Senior Center: The next meeting is scheduled for October 12 from 11 a.m. – 12 noon at 145 Bridge Street and will include a pizza lunch. Call Janet at SCA – 860-668-1986 to register your attendance.
SCA Seeks Residents for Priority Emergency Response List:
We are updating our list of residents who would benefit from a check-up call during a town or state-wide emergency. Residents who use oxygen, or need electricity for medical equipment, are strongly encouraged to call. All information gathered is for confidential use in the event of an emergency as declared by the First Selectman. Please contact SCA at 860-668-1986.
Some Ongoing Programs and Updates:
Would Adult Day Care Open Up Your World? SCA is partnering with the Windsor Caring Connection to ensure that our residents have access to quality adult day care. SCA is providing introductory subsidies. The Caring Connection is open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and provides socialization, structure, medication management and personal care with on-site nursing.
Social Service Consultations at Kent Memorial Library: Pat Beeman, M.S.W., holds office hours the third Tuesday of the month at the KML. Pat serves as Suffield’s appointed Municipal Agent for the Elderly. Residents wishing to schedule a consultation for October 19 can register online by going to If you prefer to come to the office, call 860-668-1986.
Would You Benefit from Clinical Counseling Support? SCA is financially partnering to provide counseling for residents who are experiencing challenges and seeking the help of a licensed therapist. SCA can assist with the cost of co-pays for folks with insurance. For those without insurance, free, limited counseling sessions will be covered. Call 860-668-1986.
Are there places you want to go, but transportation is not available? In conjunction with Nutmeg Senior Rides, SCA can help financially qualified seniors, age 65 and older, or persons with a disability, get to where they want to go when the Suffield Mini-Bus is not available. Nutmeg Senior Rides provides door-to-door transportation, for any purpose, 365 days a year. Call to see if you qualify.
COVID-19 Help is Available: This special fund targets assistance to those residents who do not qualify for other needs-based programs and whose lives have been negatively changed by COVID-19. Call for confidential help.
Confused About Your Medicare Options? Perhaps you are turning 65 soon… Medicare is Complicated! Trained volunteers can provide unbiased assistance. Call for an appointment.
Free Blood Pressure Screen at the Suffield Senior Center: Suffield Community Aid sponsors free blood pressure clinics for residents of all ages at the Suffield Senior Center on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 11a.m. to noon. No appointments needed.
Suffield Community Aid

Beth Sheridan
A Suffield EMT crew loads up to deliver supplies for SCA’s Back-to-School Backpack program. From the left: Paramedic Leon Allegretti, EMT Kirstin Carr, EMT Joseph Wascholl III, EMT Lila Lupois.