Blue lights, silver tablecloths, celebratory balloons, and the fruits of several Big 350th Anniversary projects welcomed Suffield residents on October 10 at Suffield High School. Several Graham Cracker Dioramas adorned the tables and made for great conversation pieces. One hundred and fifty people watched the screening of Our Town; The Story of Suffield, CT (c.1670) in the high school auditorium, showing their support of the project with applause as well as buying their own copy of the movie. Many also picked up their copy of Suffield Stories from Another Half-Century and circulated around the room collecting signatures from some of the one hundred plus authors who contributed to this project. Suffield Doors shows the many types of architecture represented by entrances to Suffield homes. The 350th Committee ran out of posters of the Suffield Barn Quilts that adorn Suffield barns and form the Barn Quilt Trail.
Remaining copies of Our Town (at $10 per copy) as well as Suffield Stories from Another Half Century (at $25 per copy) will be sold at the Town Clerk’s Office while supplies last. No charge cards will be accepted.
Thousands of hours of work and the creative talents of many went into the creation of these snapshots of Suffield, Yesterday and Today. We hope that Suffield’s next generation will learn from its past and continue to be inspired by this town that we all call our home.

Katie is featured with her winning graham cracker creation at the 350th Celebration Premier Party on October 10.