Peggy and I went to a meeting 21 years ago when Sam Fuller was recruiting people for his new venture, The Suffield Observer.
Everything seemed to be about computers which was not then and still not now our forte. We just kept quiet, but at the end of the meeting he asked what we might do, and Peggy said review movies. Some of you may not know that at that time there was a movie theatre right around where our market is now. Well, that soon went out of business, so Peggy said how about book reviews. Dan MacKinnon, who liked to “yank our chain”, observed that now that we had finished off the movie house we were now going to work on getting rid of the library. Unfortunately, that seemed to have some truth to it. The library needed so many repairs that it was closed and a rather limited temporary one – for quite a few years – was put together at Ffyler Place. Jackie Hemond had just been hired to be the new head librarian and much to her surprise, I imagine, our library was closed. She stepped right up to the plate, though, and made the temporary location work.
Well, Peggy and I have so enjoyed the opportunity to borrow books to read and review. Peggy has now decided since she is “elderly” (and I won’t say how), that she will no longer write reviews, but she certainly will keep on reading, and I will continue to read and write.