Dance Studio Opens

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Photo by Lester Smith

Teacher-proprietor Anastasia Barhatova, right, leads in an enthusiastic singles dance. At the December 30 dance party of Suffield’s new Fred Astaire Dance Studio, most of the action was for couples.

On December 30, this writer was allowed to watch a dance party at the new Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Suffield Village.  The studio had opened two weeks before and had not yet held its planned ribbon-cutting ceremony, but already there were many students registered for private lessons.  The welcoming, friendly atmosphere of the endeavor was a pleasure for this observer to experience.  The studio states, “Life is better when you dance,” and it seemed better that night.

Teacher-proprietor Andy Kerski served as DJ for the event, leaving his fellow teacher-proprietor Anastasia Barhatova free to dance and give advice where needed.  The dancing included an impressive program of rhythms, with tango, cha-cha, rhumba, conga, and others, along with traditional fox trot and waltz (but no polkas, at least during the half hour I observed).

The studio is on the ground level of the Village, with its main entrance down the hall past the three restaurants.  The extensive ball room and auxiliary spaces have returned the spot to about what the Suffield Senior Center occupied there some years ago.    

Andy and Anastasia bring useful experience as well as skill to the new endeavor.  They say there are still openings for private lessons.  Call 860-929-265 or visit inquire. 

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