Due to the surge in positive COVID-19 cases, all in-Church events and gatherings may move online at any time. Stay connected to our Weekly Witness or by contacting the Church Office for the most up-to-date information. Our Worship services will be offered online-only through the middle of February. We will evaluate the safety of returning to the Sanctuary to gather in-person again soon. We look forward to when we can gather in-person again safely.

Scan the QR code provided to reach our YouTube page and join us for worship online at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday! We continue to require masks in our building at all times.
Sunday, February 27 we welcome the Rev. Marilyn Baugh Kendrix to the pulpit. We are blessed to have her joining us for Worship that morning.
Rev. Diann continues to offer Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. each week via Zoom. Contact us to join the study group. All are welcome to join.
First Church is beginning to prepare for the Lent season, which kicks off on Ash Wed, March 2. Information on Lent & Easter services will be available soon.
Our Blessing Box has been utilized quite often since its installment! Our Blessing Box is located right in front of First Church on High St and is open to our neighbors and community members to “take what you need; leave what you can.” We encourage our community to donate what they can to the Blessing Box.
First Church hosts numerous support groups in our building for their meetings including Narcotics Anonymous, Families Anonymous, & Alcoholics Anonymous. We ask that anyone entering First Church wear a mask. Contact us for the full list of meeting information. These meetings have the capability of moving to a virtual setting and will move online if needed for safety.
If you have further questions, please contact us. Our staff and Minister are ready to assist you or provide information as needed. God bless and stay safe!