Volunteer AARP IRS-certified tax counselors will be available at the Senior Center during the tax season to provide free basic tax assistance and electronic tax preparation services. Appointments are available on Thursdays. Call us to schedule an appointment. A separate appointment is necessary for each person needing a tax return.
The AARP Tax-Aide program is intended to provide services to low/middle income taxpayers with special attention to those aged 60 and older. Taxpayers with lengthy and/or complex returns are advised to seek paid tax assistance.
Taxpayers and AARP tax counselors will always wear masks.
Taxpayers are reminded that they MUST bring:
- Identification and Social Security card for anyone living in the home, or that may be listed on the tax return;
- Marketplace Health insurance information for taxpayer, spouse and all dependents;
- Last year’s tax returns (we need to have last year’s return which may affect 2018 return);
- W-2s, W-2Gs and 1099s showing wages, interest, dividends, pensions, IRAs, unemployment income, certain gambling winnings forms, etc;
- Social Security benefit statements;
- Broker statements showing transactions – purchases, sales, costs, dates;
- Taxes paid – estimated, property / real estate, vehicle, with dates paid;
- If itemizing, medical and dental expenses and insurance premiums paid;
- If itemizing, charitable donations and other credits with supporting documentation;
- Record of EIP3 Economic recovery payments received
- Checkbook (if direct deposit of any refund is desired – recommended).
If married, generally, both husband and wife must be present, as signatures are required.
Returns cannot be prepared for taxpayer(s) if they resided in or worked in another state and need a return for that state. Taxpayers who need a MA resident tax return should go to MA.
All taxpayer returns are prepared online, and are transmitted electronically to the IRS and CT-DRS. The only paper returns that are prepared are those that must be on paper per the IRS (i.e. 1040-X).
A CT resident return will be prepared and transmitted electronically as the default for all taxpayers.
The only CT tax refund options are direct deposit or check.
Upcoming Trips
Trips require 5 passengers and are weather permitting. Call 860-668-3844 to make a reservation.
Tuesday, 2/1 Lunch at Anthony’s - Pick up begins at 11:30am
Thursday, 2/3 Walmart Shopping - Pick up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, 2/8 Lunch at Country Diner - Pick up begins at 11:30 a.m.
Monday, 2/14 MGM Casino – Pick up begins at 9 a.m.
Tuesday, 2/15 Lunch at LaNotte’s - Pick up begins at 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, 2/17 Walmart Shopping - Pick up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, 2/22 Holyoke Shopping - Pick up begins at 10 a.m.
Thursday, 2/24 Shopping at Trader Joe’s - Pick up begins at 8:30 a.m.
No bus service on Monday, February 21st in observance of Presidents Day.
Ask the Attorney – First Thursday of each month. Please call for an appointment.
Dementia Care Giver Support Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 11 a.m. at the Senior Center. Build a support system with people who understand. For more information, call Nicole Matson at (860) 810-6123.
Medicare is complicated! Trained volunteers are available to provide unbiased assistance on the first Wednesday of each month. Call for an appointment.
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group meets monthly on the second Monday of each month at 10:15 a.m. Topics vary monthly. Refreshments are served. For more information, call Janet at SCA at (860)668-1986.
Veterans Assistance-Every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Fritz can be reached at 860-758-0418 or by email at
Lunches are served every Wednesday and Thursday at noon. The menu can be found in our newsletter on the Town’s website or you can pick one up at the Senior Center. Reservations are required by noon the day prior. Lunches are $4 and include coffee, tea, cold beverage, and dessert.