The Bowling Buddies Group Celebrated the Holidays with Strikes, Spares and Special Awards

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Photo by Donna Carney-Bastrzycki

Bowling Buddies Holiday Party at Spare Time Lanes. Pictured in the photo sitting at the table right to left- Ed Cook, Lisa Philabert, Linda Bayne

The Suffield Parks and Recreation Bowling Buddies group celebrated the holiday season with our annual Holiday Party at Spare Time lanes in the VIP room this year.   Due to the pandemic, last year’s in person event had to be postponed but this year the group was able to make up for some lost time and had a fantastic time for this very special party. 

Bowling Buddies group and families celebrated, danced and bowled the night away.    This was the first time that we had the event at Spare Time Lanes, and it was a terrific location in the VIP room.  The staff are terrific, and the food was delicious and plentiful.  

The holiday party was filled with so much camaraderie and excitement while celebrating the holidays with friends and family.  Kevin Landolina, our volunteer DJ once again spun everyone’s favorite tunes that kept the energy up.  Participants bowled, listened to terrific music and got into the spirit of the season. The party means so much to the group and the true meaning of the holidays were abundant at the event and at our activities throughout the year.  The bowlers were also awarded their 2019/2020 trophies and awards with a very special ceremony that commemorated all their achievements from the previous season.  Team “Pat Cats”- (David Blake, Sharon Kozaczka, Ed Cook, Lisa Philabert and Linda Bayne) were awarded their very special first place plaques in addition to their trophies for winning the over-all team championship for the season. Other Special Award went to the Bowling Buddies Over all High Game Score winners (Russ Weaver-224, Amanda Rabideau-188 and Special Partners-Richard Chabot-201 and Patti Kopec-187)

It was terrific to be able to have the special awards ceremony in person this year at the event.  Many thanks to all of the volunteers and special partners that help throughout the year to make this program possible.  To make the night even more special, we applied for and received a generous donation from the CT Junior Soccer Association for boxes of KN95 masks and hand sanitizers for all of the members of the group and for our winter and upcoming spring programs.  Each participant received a box of masks and hand sanitizer along with their special awards and goody bags at the party.

If you are interested in joining the bowling/outing group as a bowler, special partner, please contact Donna Carney-Bastrzycki, or call 860-668-3862.  We practice every Tuesday at the Spare Time Lanes in Windsor Locks from 4:30-7:00 p.m. and have many fun activities in addition to bowling throughout the year. The group is geared for participants age 12 through adult. You must pre-register for these programs at

Sign Up For Fun Winter and Spring  Programs!

Are you and your family looking to have fun, get fit or learn a new hobby or skill this winter and spring?    We have a variety of fun, new programs for youth and families at the Parks and Recreation Department.  For a full listing of all of our programs and to register, please visit   Please also be sure to “like” the Suffield Parks and Recreation Department on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with programs and upcoming events.

Are you interested in a rewarding job this summer? Now is the time to start planning!

It is never too early to start planning for your summer job opportunities at camp.  We are seeking Summer Camp staff including:  Certified Lifeguards, WSI’s. Camp Directors, Counselors and Junior Counselors (Counselors must be at least 16 and Junior Counselors must be at least 14 yearsold), Gate Attendants/Event Staff.   Final application deadline:  Thursday, March 25, 2022. Applications can be found on the website or stop by the office at 145 Bridge Street.   Please apply early.

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