First Church is a vibrant, mission-based church located directly off Main Street in Suffield, CT. Our Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ welcomes everyone- no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey.
We have returned to in-person worship and are continuing to mask during worship at this time. All are welcome to worship with us at First Church whether in-person or virtually! Scan the QR code provided to reach our YouTube page and join us for worship online at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday. Contact us for up-to-date worship regulations.
We welcome you to continue the Lent journey with us – a Lent that is full of flowers! We remember to keep considering the lilies, as Jesus asked us to do. Flowers and growth, the transitions of nature, teach us about life and death and resurrection on Easter morning. Hope Blooms Eternal this Lent and Easter season!
Rev. Diann will continue to offer weekly Lenten Prayers through the end of Lent, each Wed at 7:00 p.m., available on our YouTube page.
We welcome Holy Week with our 10 a.m. Palm Sunday worship service, April 10. Our Maundy Thursday Service, 7 p.m., April 14. Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, is the day during Holy Week that commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. Good Friday Service is 3 p.m., April 15. Good Friday is the sixth day of Holy Week, and it commemorates the trial, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus Christ.
“Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!” Easter is a joyous holiday because it represents the fulfillment of the prophecies and the revelation of God’s salvific plan for all of humankind. In commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus, Easter also celebrates the defeat of death and the hope of salvation. We have two opportunities to celebrate Easter together. Join us at 6 a.m. on Easter Sunday, April 17 at Sunrise Park in Suffield CT, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus at sunrise. We follow with our 10 a.m. Easter Service in the Sanctuary of First Church.
Rev. Diann continues to offer Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10 a.m. each week via Zoom. Contact us to join the study group.
We are collecting a variety of donations this month! We continue to collect hygiene kit supplies for Church World Services. These include hand towels, bars of soap, toothbrushes, and monetary donations that will go towards the purchase of supplies. Please contact the church for all specific items needed. All details can be provided upon request.
Similar items are being collected to support Ukraine. New socks, underwear, and tee shirts (no used clothing of any kind), first aid kits, personal hygiene items, non-perishable food items and items for new mothers and their babies. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Contact the office for drop-off information and a detailed list of specific needs.
On Sunday, April 24, we will be traveling to Northampton, MA to provide and serve a meal to our neighbors in need through Cathedral in the Night. This important hand-on mission needs specific food donations and volunteers to help serve the meal. Contact First Church for sign-up and donation information.
Our Blessing Box is located right in front of First Church on High St and is open to our neighbors and community members to “take what you need; leave what you can”. We encourage our community to donate what they can to the Blessing Box.
We continue to host support groups in our building for their meetings, including Narcotics Anonymous, Families Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous. It is highly encouraged to wear a mask while in First Church. Contact us for the full list of meeting information and for up-to-date building regulations.
Our Office Manager and Minister are ready to assist you or provide information as needed; God bless and stay safe!