Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library
June 2
Over 600 of the tobacco growers of this vicinity attended the mass meeting held in the Town hall last Friday evening, to gain information in regard to the proposed Connecticut Valley Tobacco Association. The seats in the hall were arranged for 600 and were all filled with forty or fifty people standing…
The first speaker was Joseph Alsop of Avon, who said that of 1250 acres on the east side of the river, the association had signed up over 800 and a number of the canvassers had not handed in their contracts. Mr. Alsop was followed by Attorney Aaron Sapiro, a specialist in the formation of cooperative marketing associations. Mr. Sapiro told of the success of the fruit growers in California in forming an association and of the benefits they had derived.
He went into detail in the matter of the Kentucky Burley Association and told of the success of the growers in the past year. The object of the association, he said, was not to eliminate the tobacco buyer, but to facilitate the marketing… Mr. Sapiros’s remarks met with frequent applause, and he carried his audience with him and left much of his enthusiasm with his hearers.
There will be a steak and lobster supper at the Suffield Masonic Club this Friday.
The Hartford Fire Insurance company will write Hail Insurance on Tobacco for the season of 1922. Same policy as last season.
June 9
The Suffield grammar schools held their first annual field day on the public park in front of the Middle building of the Suffield School Thursday afternoon. It was witnessed by several hundred people. Every school in the town took part in the exercises. The program…consisted of a May-pole dance in costume by the lower grades…a Jerry Go Nimble exercise…callisthenic exercises…dances…singing games…After the regular exercises there were races and games open to all of the school children.
This town will have but one train a day on the Branch… This will be rather inconvenient for the commuters that go from this town to Hartford every day, as they will have to wait three quarters of an hour for a trolley car, coming on either of the early evening trains from Hartford. The mails will all be carried on the trolley cars and will arrive occasionally during the day. The reasons given for the change is that since the advent of the trolley the Branch does not pay.
The survey has been made for the new concrete highway form Fuller’s corner to Dunn’s corner and it is expected that the work will be started soon.
June 16
According to statistics issued by the motor vehicle department of the state, Suffield had 514 automobiles used for pleasure, 82 trucks and commercial cars, and two public service cars.
June 23
A pool room conducted by Samuel Provnih on the second floor of the old Terrett House, West Suffield, now owned by Joseph Romano, was raided Saturday night by the local officers and a squad from the state police force. Provnih was arrested for running a gambling place and thirteen young men were arrested for frequenting.
June 30
The magnitude of automobile travel in this town is hard to realize and statistics as to the value of the cars that pass through here in a year would be almost unbelievable. There are six or seven gas filling stations in this town, and a visit to two or three of the largest of them brought out the astonishing fact that at least $100,000 worth of gasoline was sold in Suffield last year.