Summer is right around the corner!!
Summer will be here before we know it! SCA has funding available to subsidize camp costs for eligible families. Families who wish to attend Suffield Parks & Recreation and other camp programs are encouraged to apply.

Danielle Annibalini, left, and Janet Frechette, SCA’s new and former executive directors, welcomed over 50 dedicated former and current volunteers during April’s SCA Volunteer Appreciation Open House. Thank you to everyone who stopped by!
New Offering: Low Mobility Exercise Series
SCA is sponsoring a 6-week “Low Mobility” Exercise series at the Senior Center. Classes will be facilitated by Joseph Hicks on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11-11:30 a.m. and all exercises can be done while seated. It’s not too late to join! Classes began on May 18 but will continue through June 24. Register at the Senior Center today! Caregivers are welcome.
Rental Rebate Program for Elderly and Disabled Residents:
The State provides a reimbursement program for renters who are elderly or disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. SCA now is taking applications.
CEAP Deadline Extended
On April 29, Governor Lamont extended the deadline for 2021-2022 CT Energy Assistance applications to June 30. Call SCA to apply today.
Some Ongoing Program and Updates:
SCA is Offering Free Lunch at the Suffield Senior Center:
Have lunch on us! SCA will cover the cost of two lunches per week at the Senior Center for financially eligible residents. Meals are homemade, delicious, and nutritionally balanced! Enjoy socializing with friends without the hassle of making your lunch.
Take a Ride with Nutmeg Senior Rides: Door-to-Door Transportation
What if transportation was not a barrier on nights and weekends when the Mini-Bus is not operating? Perhaps you’d go to a restaurant, the cemetery, the library, a church service or a friend’s house? You can! In conjunction with Nutmeg Senior Rides, Suffield Community Aid has funding to assist financially qualified Suffield residents, age 65 and older, or persons with a disability, get to their desired destination. Nutmeg Senior Rides provides door-through-door transportation, for any purpose, 365 days a year.
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group at the Suffield Senior Center:
Our next meeting is scheduled for June 14 from 11a.m. – 12p.m. at the Senior Center. We’re excited to welcome two guest presenters, Laura and Jessica, who will be teaching tips and tricks to help make daily tasks easier. Pizza will be served. Please call SCA to RSVP.
Financial Support for Mental Health Services
Let us help you take care of you. SCA is offering financial support for Suffield residents to access mental health services. SCA can assist with co-pays for residents with insurance. For those without insurance, free and limited counseling sessions will be covered.
Free Blood Pressure Screening at the Suffield Senior Center:
Suffield Community Aid sponsors free blood pressure clinics for residents of all ages at the Suffield Senior Center on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 11a.m.- 12p.m. No appointments needed.
SCA Food Pantry is Well Stocked:
If you could benefit from food assistance or personal care items, call SCA for confidential and discreet help.
Stay Tuned! Our SCA Garden is almost ready for planting, and we’ll be looking for youth volunteers soon. Contact SCA if you’re interested.
Don’t Forget to ‘Like’ us on Facebook:
Suffield Community Aid, your local safety net AND…‘Follow Us’ on Instagram: suffieldcommunityaid
For more information, to register for programs, and to see if you qualify for financial assistance, please call Suffield Community Aid at: 860-668-1986.