On May 24, several Suffield Conservation Commissioners visited the John and Madeline McClean Outdoor Education Preserve, a Suffield Land Conservancy property located across from the Suffield High School.
SLC President Chris Childs and SLC Director and SHS science teacher Joe Grimard provided a tour of the 23+ acre property. Joe had requested to inform the SCC about work performed and the planning of additional work on the property and the desire to be compliant with wetland regulations.
The tour covered the walking paths built to date, new storage shed, the multiple learning hubs built and other plans for additional educational infrastructure. Joe indicates that essentially all SHS classes have already been utilizing the Preserve.
As Joe and Chris provided information, it was clear that Joe’s enthusiasm and passion for this outdoor learning environment has driven the project to the success it has already achieved, and it will only improve with more time and maturity.
The property itself offers a very diverse outdoor experience including overgrown orchard fruit trees with potential to be rehabilitated by the students, all forms of native wildlife and multiple vernal pools close to walking trails.
The SCC was very impressed with the Outdoor Education Preserve and the care that has been taken to limit wetland disturbance while building the learning infrastructure. The SCC enthusiastically supports the project and the ongoing efforts to provide outdoor environment educational opportunities.
For more information about the John and Madeline McClean Outdoor Education Preserve please visit the SLC web site: suffieldlandconservancy.org.