Fall has officially arrived and so has pumpkin-flavored everything. Soon enough we will all be complaining about how cold it is! Enjoy the beautiful weather while we have it!
Suffield on the Green was very successful, and I thank everybody who made it happen and those who came out to support the event. I hope that everybody had a good time. I know those who had the opportunity to dunk me at the dunk tank certainly did.
Traffic and speeding complaints continue to be the top complaint by residents lately. Please know that public safety is one of my top priorities. Our Pedestrian and Traffic Safety and Infrastructure Committee will reconvene this month to discuss the Traffic Safety Study and action we need to take based off of this report. I’ve instructed the Chief of Police to request permits to put both crosswalk signs and flashing light signs at all crosswalks on State roads. The Town Engineer will apply for the Safe Streets for All grant, which we will use to focus on the Stone St. and Mountain Rd. intersection.
Here’s what’s been going on and what’s coming up this fall:
- The Great Halloween Drive-Thru is back this year from October 20-23 and 27-30 at Sunrise Park. It’s $25 per carload, cash only. If you enjoyed the fireworks show at the Suffield Summer Fair this year, this event is what helped to fund the entire cost of it. Please come out and support it!
- Oktoberfest at Hilltop Farm is Saturday, October 15 from 5 p.m.- 9 p.m.. Grab your friends and come out for a night of drinks, food, and fun. Tickets are $75 each. All proceeds go to Hilltop restoration efforts. The barn is almost complete. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you see for yourself. A perfect place to host big events.
- The American Rescue Plan Committee has reconvened to discuss the use of the second half of Covid funds we received. Discussions this time include money towards the Bridge St. property, care for our athletic fields, Suffield’s Historical assets, and traffic safety. Feel free to come to our next meeting on October 3 to listen or offer a recommendation.
- The Town is still searching for a part-time Economic Developer and mini bus drivers.
- Time Clock systems are being implemented throughout all departments. It’s been quite the process, but more surprising that paper time-cards have still been used.
- Check out our Community Services and Library websites to see all the great things they have going on this month.
- We are hosting a trick or treat at Town Hall for children in town on Monday, October 31. Please feel to bring your children from 2 p.m.-5 p.m. as you go department to department collecting treats.
- Work has been underway making aesthetic and operational improvements to the town garage. After approving funds in the budget this past summer, the DPW department is making the necessary changes to upgrade as much as they can. Check out the new siding!
- The two walking bridges at Stony Brooke Park that were approved by the Board of Selectmen this past Spring are complete and ready for use.
- “Friday with Your First Selectman” will be Friday, October 14 at 4 p.m.. You can find me on the Bridge Street School property to discuss more ideas and plans for use of the property. By Spring next year, I would like to be shovel ready and boots on the ground.
As always, my door at Town Hall is open.
Have a great October!