Too busy to look up what’s going on in town? Here’s a recap right at your fingertips. This article covers selected information from minutes from various boards and commissions. If you want more detail, it can be found using this link and go to Agendas, Minutes, & Recordings.
AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN COMMISSION – The VFW requested $150,000 for repairs and updates needed to the property, which are needed as a result of COVID-19 lost revenue. This covers kitchen and bathroom repairs. The WPCA requested $1,000,000 after providing information how COVID-19 impacted the sewer systems and the Stony Brook connector and revenue stream. No decisions were made.
BOARD OF EDUCATION – The tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Suffield Board of Education and the CT Health Care Associates (Nurses’ Union) was approved. Goals for 2022-2023 were reviewed and discussed. Some goals were revised and some removed as they have been attained and others were added.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Discussion included moving forward with a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be distributed to find someone to design, permit, install, finance, own, operate and maintain the solar project on the town landfill property and adjacent property.
A dog park is being proposed for the grassy area near Stony Brook Park. First Selectman Moll reached out to USA Hauling as a sponsor for the new dog park and they agreed to a match program. Letters will be sent to abutters providing an opportunity to attend the next Board of Selectmen meeting to voice any concerns they might have. Attorney Donnelly also emphasized that there will be many opportunities for this topic to be publicly discussed as the approval process will include the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and the Conservation Commission as the deed to Stony Brook Park falls under their purview and will require their approval.
Motions were made and approved to appoint Sue Mayne as Tree Warden and move Michael Turgeon to Deputy Tree Warden, Gary Phelps as full member of the Conservation Commission, Glenn Gazdik as full member to the Retirement Commission, Bill Moryto as full member of the Historic District Commission, and John Schwemmer as full member of the Historic District Commission.
Winter discussions included applying for a Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) grant. Also being discussed is the widening of Bridge Street for cyclists and the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail reconstruction and bridge repair. The applications are currently with the DOT and appear to be promising. If awarded, the Town Engineer projects late 2023/early 2024 start dates.
Monthly Veterans Breakfasts held at the VFW are still going strong with good attendance and some great volunteer assistance by Selectman Mahoney and Selectman Harrington. He invited Selectman Hill and Selectman Chafetz to join him in serving the veterans at one of the upcoming breakfasts.
The new Kent Memorial Library Director is Julie Styles who started on Monday, August 29th. Welcome to Julie!
Selectman Chafetz extended Happy Birthday wishes to Town Historian Lester Smith who turned 95. Happy Birthday Lester!
An Executive Session was convened to discuss and approve extending the contract with River Valley Animal Hospital through September 15, 2022.
TOWN CENTER DESIGN REVIEW BOARD – This meeting addressed proposed sign renderings sent to the Design Review Board (DRB) for Dr. Don Ledoux of Turning Point Wellness Center. The Board indicated signs should be similar to the existing building sign with a dark background with light letters and consistent with the regulations. A motion was made and approved for the proposed freestanding sign as presented and that the revisions proposed would be reviewed by staff for approval.
PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION – A waiver request for sidewalks for six (6)-lot Flexible Residential Development (FRD) subdivision and associated special permit located on the north side of Mountain Road adjacent to the West Suffield Cemetery and 1218 Mountain Road was approved.
Metacomet Lane will be a private road maintained by the homeowners. Five lots have been sold to individuals who all confirmed they do not want streetlights and the remaining two lots are still owned by the developer who also does not want the streetlights. Removal was approved.
Requests relating to performance bonds were approved for Hamlet Homes’ Kings Meadow subdivision, Phase II of the Suffield Chase subdivision, were approved. A request from Laura Builders, LLC for the Hidden Way subdivision was tabled until the barn situation is resolved.
Mr. Winne recommended the Commission set aside time in a future meeting to discuss affordable housing in Suffield based on the housing plan recently adopted by the town. Public information will be available.
POLICE COMMISSION – An executive session was called to interview two candidates for entry level Police Officer. The Chief of Police was authorized to continue with the hiring process for the candidates interviewed.
RETIREMENT COMMISSION – The commission reviewed the various investment options, their performance and other factors. Additionally, there are several participants who are not vested, have not earned annuities, but still have employee contributions in the plan and continue to accrue interest every year. A plan will be determined for this housekeeping issue.