CT General State Statute 12-62 requires the revaluation of all real estate in town every five years. The last revaluation in Suffield was for the 2018 Grand List. We have started the project for a town wide revaluation for the October 1, 2023, Grand List and have contracted with eQuality Valuation Services from Waterbury, Conn. The first step in the process is to confirm property details. Data mailers will be sent to all improved properties which will list details such as style of house, room count and special features. The participation of owners is critical in this phase of the process, and we ask that you review the data, make any changes that may need to be addressed, and return the forms. Our goal is to ensure that the data is correct so accurate values can be applied to all properties. If you have any questions regarding the data mailers, or the process of the revaluation you can contact the Assessor’s office during Town Hall hours at 860-668-3866.