The Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will be holding a public hearing regarding adoption of the proposed 2022 Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD) on Monday, December 19 at 7 p.m.
The POCD is an advisory document used by the PZC and other Town agencies to protect the resources important to residents, guide growth and change in Suffield, and identify facilities and services needed or wanted to support the community.
The proposed 2022 POCD is an update of the 2010 POCD based upon:
- The provisions of Section 8-23 of the Connecticut General Statutes,
- Current conditions and trends affecting Suffield,
- Input from locals boards, commissions, departments, and agencies,
- Participation by Suffield residents and business owners.
People may participate either in-person at the Town Hall conference room located at 83 Mountain Road or remotely via Zoom (details will be posted on the PZC Agenda for the meeting). Written communications received before the meeting will be considered. Following the public hearing, the PZC will consider the comments received before moving forward with adoption and implementation.
The proposed POCD is available on the town website at (under “Guiding Documents”).
Contact Director of Planning & Development Bill Hawkins at to submit comments prior to the meeting.