Town News You Might Not Know

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Too busy to look up what’s going on in town? Here is a recap right at your fingertips. This article covers selected information from minutes of various Boards and Commissions in town. If you want more detail, it can be found by going to, Agendas, Minutes and Recordings.

Suffield Alight will be held again this year on Main Street on December 2.

BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Payment to River Valley Animal Hospital for the care of Dexter, the dog owned by Neil and Annie Hornish, was discussed. A disposal order was placed against Dexter; however, the owners appealed. The Town of Suffield is and has been paying for Dexter’s expenses. Invoices for January and February were previously approved and paid. Invoices for March through August totaling $12,254.04 were approved. First Selectman Moll commented that he does not believe it’s fair for the taxpayers to continue to foot this bill. An Executive Session was called to discuss the River Valley Contract with Town Attorney Derek Donnelly. A motion was made, and passed unanimously, to accept the contract subject to approval by the other party.

The Finance Director discussed internal control enhancements implemented and the challenges of having seven union contracts to manage. He spoke of priorities such as record storage retentions and the need to change investments to take advantage of interest rates.

The Police Chief provided an overview of the grants he’s interested in and the benefits to the town. The application process for the Comprehensive DUI Enforcement Program for Municipal Police Department grant, American Rescue Plan Act Auto Theft and Violence grant, and Click It or Ticket grant was approved.
The First Selectman was approved to purchase two used vehicles for Town Hall. Also, the motion to extend the cell tower lease was approved.

BOARD OF EDUCATION FINANCE – As it was difficult to get buses for fall sports, they are actively working on making sure there is transportation for winter sports. There is a $333K surplus for the year, $93K due to the bus shortage. The free lunch program is being discontinued, as the state discontinued the program.

BOARD OF FINANCE – Suffield received a portion of the National Opioid Settlement funds for use towards opioid prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery The $5,398.32 will go in the local prevention council fund.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – The Business Contact Committee reported that three businesses are interested in coming to Suffield. They have been interviewed and four to six more interviews are scheduled.

Mr. Hawkins submitted a report on the sale of C&S Wholesale Grocers, 1140 and 1148 South Street, interest in the property located at 1022 East Street South, and progress on 1760 Mapleton Avenue, the leasing of space at 123 and 136 Mountain Road, and a new breakfast and lunch restaurant opening at 82 North Main Street. It also reported progress on the road design estimate for Ffyler Place, the purchase of 200 Mountain Road, the new package store on Thompsonville Road, and plans for renovation of the former Saint Joseph’s Church.

FIRE COMMISSION – The hiring of a Fire Marshal and two part-time fire fighters is approved. There was discussion regarding the need for a Captain or additional firefighters. More discussion will occur around needing an officer in charge or an authority figure when the Chief is off duty.

HOUSING AUTHORITY – They will continue working with Keep Smiling Seniors to provide get well bags for seniors returning from the hospital. Five Suffield High School volunteers are providing friendly visits, maintaining the gardens, and cleaning the Community Room.

PEDESTRIAN, TRAFFIC SAFETY & INFRASTRUCTURE – Ted Ruddock was appointed as the chair. The grant submission for a roundabout at the intersection of North and South Stone Streets, and Mountain Road was presented. A sub-committee was created to determine how to use the data in other areas and create a survey that would allow transparency and fairness in determining the results and priorities.

PERMANENT BUILDING COMMISSION – A presentation by Tecton Architects with options to renovate versus new construction for McAlister Middle School and Suffield Intermediate School was conducted to discuss the Joint Facilities Master Plan. Survey results indicated residents want to make sure the town has a comprehensive plan before moving forward.

POLICE COMMISSION – Two Dodge Chargers have been completed and are on patrol, three new Ford Interceptors have been purchased and delivered, and Fleet Auto Supply is working on getting the final parts for upfitting the vehicles. Also, an F150 has been completed and will be on patrol.

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