First Selectman Colin Moll was at the Suffield Police Department recently to accept the donation of a drone on behalf of the Town of Suffield Police Department. The Suffield Woman’s Club has made the very generous donation of a drone to support the operations of the Suffield Police Department. Drones used by police departments can support search and rescue operations, assist in monitoring traffic and other aspects of town events, provide protection for Suffield police officers by aiding in the search for wanted or escaped persons and even quickly mapping motor vehicle crash and crime scenes. A drone is a significant force multiplier for law enforcement agencies. Suffield police officers will be trained in compliance with FAA protocols to be authorized to fly the drone.

Captain Palmer, Colin Moll, Susan Ledger, Lisa Pepe, Renee Wood, Dian Friedman, Chief Canon and Lt. Burrell flank the Town’s new drone.
We thank the entire Suffield Woman’s Club for this outstanding donation. Renée Wood – Co-President, Dian D. Friedman, Co-President, Lisa Pepe –Treasurer and Susan Ledger – Secretary made the presentation to First-Selectman Moll. Chief Canon, Captain Palmer and Lt. Burrell were present on behalf of the Suffield Police Department. We want to make a special mention of SWC members Phyllis Stafford and Joanne Sullivan who passed away before the drone donation was finalized. They were members of the Giving Committee, and, although they never saw the drone donated, they were instrumental in the process that had brought this modern piece of equipment to the Suffield PD. This will enhance the safety of the Town of Suffield and our officers! Our thanks to all of the members of the Suffield Woman’s Club!