McAlister Student Council Projects

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By Jaime Thompson and Valerie Richardson-White
Student Council Members

The fifth grade McAlister Student Council is an organization run by two fifth grade teachers, Ms. Ralston and Mrs. Popeleski. In this organization the students think of ways to help the community and other people around the school. For example, they help brainstorm ideas and spread awareness for spirit days. They are currently working on a project that they hope will be funded by the Megan Voisine Kindness Grant. Megan was a very kind person who spread love and acceptance everywhere. Another project they have worked on is the McAlister SOUPer Bowl.

The SOUPer Bowl is a project to get people to donate non-perishable food to Suffield Community Aid. On a table there were two labels: Chiefs and Eagles. Students placed their donated items on the half of the field for the team they predicted will win the Super Bowl. Yet another project the McAlister Student Council has worked on is the CCMC PJ Day for the Kids.

On PJ Day for the Kids, everyone wears their pajamas to honor the kids at CCMC (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center) and are asked to bring in a dollar or more to donate in support. Student council will also appear on the McAlister news show from time to time talking about upcoming events they’ll be doing.

The McAlister news show is a show that is organized by Mrs. Tierny, the McAlister librarian. It is inspired by a real news show you might watch in the morning. It talks about everything that has happened or is happening in and around McAlister. It also talks about events happening around Suffield, such as Suffield on the Green or the PMC bike ride.

There’s much more the McAlister Student Council has to offer, but there wouldn’t be enough room to tell it all. The Student Council has done so many things, and still has more ideas to come!

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