The Suffield Observer Board of Directors will sponsor two scholarships to Suffield residents who will be entering an accredited two or four-year college in September 2023. The two scholarships are in memory of Samuel S. Fuller, the founder of the paper, and Robert O.Y. Warren, a former chairman of the board.
Each $1,000 scholarship can be applied for by contacting the guidance department at Suffield High School or Suffield Academy, by requesting a form from the Observer office or online at
The Samuel S. Fuller Scholarship is open to any Suffield resident who plans on studying journalism or communications and has a background of community service. The applicant is required to write a 500–700-word essay or give a five-minute presentation in an electronic medium about something he or she loves to do, bringing to life the applicant’s enthusiasm, emotion and passion for the topic. Sam inspired others to look at both sides of an issue and to become an active community participant. He was known for his generosity as well as his ability to laugh at himself.
The Robert O. Y. Warren III Scholarship is open to a Suffield resident who will be majoring in history, communications, journalism, creative writing or research and has also participated in community service. The applicant should write a 500–700-word essay about his or her favorite book or create a five-minute presentation in an electronic medium about the book. The student should be specific and creative in the descriptions of the book. Bob was a voracious reader and had a deliberate approach to solving problems, using research and analysis to make his reporting complete and comprehensive.
Scholarship applications must be completed and submitted to the Observer at or the Observer office at P.O. Box 424, Suffield, CT 06078 by May 15, 2023.