Alleluia! We continue to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. Easter is a season that spans 50 glorious days, and I tend to make the most of it so get ready for continuous Easter coverage! There is a new three-part series on FORMED called “Easter in Art”. The authors will highlight various works of art depicting the resurrection narratives through artwork rarely seen by most of us. This series will be great for the art lovers, historians and people who love Jesus! Check it out–for free on FORMED.
April 16 is Divine Mercy Sunday. This observance was added to the liturgical calendar by St. Pope John Paul II towards the end of his pontificate. Inspired by the apparitions of our Lord to Sister Faustina, Divine Mercy invites us to trust in Jesus and in his endless mercy for us and the world. The devotion has been popularized and somewhat limited by the recitation of a “chaplet” or series of prayers invoking God’s mercy. The writings of both Faustina and Pope John Paul II go much deeper than that with a call to conversion, turning away from sin and opening our hearts to sharing the message of mercy by being merciful people. Divine Mercy Sunday is a good time for us to put all the Lenten reflection of our short comings and sins into perspective. To ask for mercy and forgiveness so that we can enjoy the blessings of the Risen Lord, especially in this Easter Season.
Unpacking the rest of the Easter and Holy Week experience here at Sacred Heart, I think everything went well–nobody got hurt and the church didn’t burn down. We had a really good turnout for all of the Holy Week liturgies. There were over 1,000 people for the Easter Masses alone! Hopefully our visitors felt welcome and want to return to celebrate with us again and our “regular” members–the backbone of our parish, had a good experience of Christ in the holy moments we shared. Thank you to everyone who attended and assisted in any way!
Looking forward to seeing you in church soon! Can we top 1,000 again?
Happy Easter Season!