James F. Coggins, Jr. Community Service Award Open to Applicants:
In memory of our late volunteer and Board Member, James F. Coggins, Jr., SCA offers a $1,000 award to a graduating Suffield senior who demonstrates selflessness, generosity, and concern for the community through their volunteer activities. Applicants are required to submit a 500-word essay, by midnight on May 8, supporting their selection to SCA at 450 South Street, Suffield 06078 or email to daniellea@suffieldcommunityaid.org
Kathy Ostrowski Memorial Nursing Scholarship for Suffield Graduating Seniors:
To honor beloved SCA Board member and nurse to many, Kathy Ostrowski, SCA will award a needs-based scholarship to a Suffield graduating student in pursuit of a nursing degree. Applicants wishing to apply are encouraged to fill out the common application at Suffield High School or call SCA at 860-668-1986. The application deadline is Monday, May 8.
Jane Purtill Fuller Scholarship for Nursing or Social Service Candidates:
To recognize the many contributions of our past employee and long-time supporter of Suffield Community Aid, the Board of Directors dedicates an annual needs-based scholarship in memory of Jane Purtill Fuller. This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Suffield senior pursuing a nursing or social service field of study. Applicants wishing to apply are encouraged to fill out the common application at Suffield High School or call SCA at 860-668-1986. The application deadline is Monday, May 8.
Rental Rebate Program for Elderly & Disabled Residents:
The State provides a reimbursement program for renters who are elderly or disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. SCA now is taking applications. Please call to schedule an appointment.
Mobile Mammography Returns to Suffield:
On Tuesday, May 23, Hartford Healthcare’s Mobile Mammography bus will be onsite at the Suffield Senior Center providing mammograms. Women interested in participating should call SCA 860-668-1986 to reserve their time slot. Please note that it must be one year since your last mammogram in order for insurance to cover the cost of the screening. While you’re at the Senior Center, stop in to visit the Senior Wellness Fair from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Bereavement Group Postponed:
Due to low enrollment, Masonicare has opted to postpone the start of our Spring bereavement group. If you or someone you know has experienced a recent death of someone dear, please call SCA for more details about a future group.
Some Ongoing Program and Updates:
Does Your Child Want to Attend Camp but Costs are TOO High? Summer is right around the corner! SCA has funding available to subsidize camp costs for eligible Suffield youth who wish to attend Suffield Parks & Rec. and any other camp programs.
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group at the Suffield Senior Center:
Our next meeting is scheduled for May 9 at the Suffield Senior Center, beginning at 10:30 a.m. We will be joined by a Deep Brain Stimulation practitioner from UConn Medical Center. Pizza will be served. Please call SCA to RSVP.
Memory Café:
Pat Beeman, MSW, hosts a monthly supportive group for individuals with cognitive loss and their loved ones. The group meets the last Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Suffield Senior Center. May’s group will be held on May 30th. Please call Pat Beeman to register at 860-668-1986.
Free Blood Pressure Screening at the Suffield Senior Center:
Suffield Community Aid sponsors free blood pressure clinics for residents of all ages at the Suffield Senior Center on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. No appointments needed.

Thanks to all who donated to the Pet Food Drive and to the KML Teen Advisory Group, who created this fun collection box! Pictured behind is Elias Andre’s “Kindness Mural”; a winner of a 2022 Meghan Voisine “Kindness Matters” grant.
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Suffield Community Aid, your local safety net
For more information, to register for programs, and to see if you qualify for financial assistance, please call SCA at: (860) 668-1986.